115 Jurnal dengan proses cepat (1-6 Bulan)

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Jurnal akademik merupakan salah satu bentuk publikasi ilmiah yang penting bagi dunia akademis. Melalui jurnal ini, para peneliti dapat mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya dan berkontribusi dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Namun, terkadang proses publikasi jurnal bisa memakan waktu yang cukup lama dan memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar.

Untuk membantu memudahkan proses publikasi jurnal, beberapa jurnal menyediakan proses cepat dengan waktu yang lebih singkat dan biaya yang lebih terjangkau. Berikut adalah daftar jurnal dengan proses cepat dari berbagai bidang keilmuan.

Area Engineering Architecture
Jurnal ini fokus pada bidang teknik sipil, arsitektur, dan teknik mesin. Area Engineering Architecture termasuk dalam kategori Q1 dan menyediakan proses publikasi yang cepat, namun biaya publikasinya gratis.

International Journal of Economic and Policy
Jurnal ini membahas topik-topik seputar ekonomi dan kebijakan publik. International Journal of Economic and Policy termasuk dalam kategori Q1 dan menyediakan proses publikasi yang relatif cepat, yaitu sekitar 1 bulan. Namun, untuk mempublikasikan artikel di jurnal ini, penulis harus membayar biaya sebesar $590.

Electronics mdpi
Jurnal ini fokus pada bidang teknik elektronik dan komputer. Electronics mdpi termasuk dalam kategori Q1 dan menyediakan proses publikasi yang relatif cepat, yaitu sekitar 1 bulan. Namun, biaya publikasinya tergolong mahal, yaitu sekitar 1500 CHF.

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Jurnal ini membahas topik-topik seputar teknik mesin dan teknik termal. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering termasuk dalam kategori Q1 dan menyediakan proses publikasi yang memakan waktu sekitar 2 bulan.

Artikel Menarik Wajib di Baca  12 Jurnal Tercepat dan Berkualitas di Indeks Scopus

Geoscience Letters, Springer online
Jurnal ini fokus pada bidang geologi. Geoscience Letters, Springer online termasuk dalam kategori Q1, namun tidak disebutkan berapa lama waktu proses publikasinya. Jurnal ini juga tidak membebankan biaya publikasi

Nama JurnalBidangQuartileLama WaktuAPC
Linguistika AntverpiensiaBahasaQ13 bulan 
International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesBiologyQ14 bulanFree
Area Engineering ArchitectureCivil, architecture, EngineeringQ1 Free
International journal economic and PolicyEconomy, PolicyQ11 bulan$590
Electronics mdpiElectronic EngineeringQ11 bulan1500 CHF
Case Studies in Thermal EngineeringEngineeringQ12 bulan 
Geoscience Letters, Springer onlineGeologyQ1  
Phytochemistry (Q1)Kimia/ScienceQ16 bulanFree
Journal of Enterprise Information ManagementManagement, BusinessQ14-5 bulanFree
Pharmacology research and perspectivesMedicalQ11 bulanFree
Non-coding RNA researchMedicalQ12 bulan$555
Science of the Total EnvironmentScience, Biology, ChemistryQ12.8 bulanFree
SustainabilityUmumQ11 bulan 
PolymersMaterialQ11 bulan 
Forest and Society JournalForestryQ11 tahun300 USD
ASJP Elsevier Q12 bulanFREE
JMRTEngineeringQ14 bulan$1.100
(Chemosphere) elsevierSocial ScienceQ14 bulanFree
 journal of big dataInformation TechnologyQ14 bulan23 juta
Journal of Big Data (Q1) SpringerOpenITQ15 bulan 
HeliyonSocial ScienceQ16 bulan21 Juta
Journal of Natural FibersNatural ScienceQ16-7 bulanFREE
IEEE AccessElectronic EngineeringQ1 20 juta
Spatium journalArchitectureQ23-4 bulan 
Jurnal tropical Animal scienceBiology, Animal scienceQ21 tahun2.5 juta
Journal of Asian Finance, Economic and BussinessEconomy, BusinessQ21 bulan 
Journal of International Commerce, Economics and PolicyEconomy, policyQ23 bulan$400
Journal Social Studies Education Research (JSSER)EducationQ26-11 bulan750 euro
Energy Sources, Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental EffectsEnergyQ26 bulan 
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT)EngineeringQ24 bulan 
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT)EngineeringQ2  
Journal of Asian Natural product Kimia/ScienceQ24 bulanFree
Natural products researchKimia/ScienceQ24 bulanFree
Phytochemistry letters Kimia/ScienceQ26 bulanFree
Library Philosophy and PracticeLibrary, social scienceQ22 bulanFree
Journal of Public Health ResearchMedicalQ21-3 bulan300 euro
Urban StudiesSocial ScienceQ2 Free
Planning MalaysiaTata kota, CivilQ23 bulan1800 CHF
Geojournal of tourism and geositesTourismQ22 bulan680 euro
Elsevier, Asian Journal of surgery Social ScienceQ21 tahun35.000$ taiwan
mdpi tropical medicine and Infectious DiseaseMedicalQ21,5 bulan25 JUTA
Journal of Hunan University Natural SciencesNatural ScienceQ22 bulan500 euro
Water, air, and soild pollutionScienceQ24 bulanFREE
International Journal of Sustainable EngineeringEngineeringQ25 bulanFree
Journal of Wood Chemistry and TechnologyEngineeringQ25 bulanFREE
Business: Theory and PracticeBusinessQ25 bulan 
Performing ArtsSocial ScienceQ25 bulan150 USD
IJETEngineeringQ26 bulan290 euro
IJIEducationQ26 bulan 
Jurnal Law and Etic (JLERI)LawQ26 bulan1232 Euro
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences Social ScienceQ26 bulan13 juta
European Journal of Educational ResearchEducationQ26 bulan650 USD
Issues in Educational ResearchEducationQ26-7 bulanFREE
Journal of enggineering scienceEngineeringQ2  
BiodiversitasBiologiQ32 bulan4.5 juta
BiodiversitasBiologyQ32 bulan4.5 juta
AACL BIOFLUXBiologyQ33 bulan$250
BiodiversitasBiologyQ330 hari3.5 juta
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer Nature)Civil EngineeringQ31 bulan 10 hariFree
Jurnal Aestimum EcologyQ36-12 bulanFree
Accounting Growing scienceEconomy, AccountingQ3 $714
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business Economy, BusinessQ33 bulan$500
International Journal of Renewable Energy DevelopmentEnergyQ35 bulan 
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and SubtropicsEnergy, Social ScienceQ31 tahunFree
Journal Of applied engineering science (JASE)EnggineeringQ33 bulan350 euro
Evergreen JournalEngineeringQ34 bulanFree
Jurnal Open EngineeringEngineeringQ35 bulan 
Key Engineering MaterialsEngineering MaterialQ3  
International journal of geomateIlmu Bumi, geothermal, CivilQ36 bulan$800
iJIM (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM))ITQ34 – 12 bulan$350
PJOES (Polish Journal of Environmental Studies)Kimia/Lingkungan/BiologiQ33-6 bulan3-15 juta
Indian Journal of Psychological MedicineMedicalQ31-3 bulanFree
Saudi J of Kidney Disease and TransplantationMedicalQ33 bulanFree
Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics MedicalQ3  
Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental MedicineScienceQ31-3 bulanFree
JEENG (Journal of Ecological Engineering)Science/EcologicalQ33-6 bulan3-15 juta
ABAC JournalSocial ScienceQ318 bulan 
Safety MDPIUmumQ33-6 bulan3-15 juta
Environmental Quality ManagementLingkunganQ31 bulan 
BiodiversitasBiologyQ32 bulan3,5 juta
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectronic EngineeringQ33 bulan$270
Calitatea – Quality Access to SuccessSocial ScienceQ33 bulan400 USD
Civil Engineering and ArchitectureCivilQ33 bulan480 USD
Journal of Islamic Thought and CivilizationReligiousQ34 bulanFREE
Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (MJES)EconomicQ34-5 bulanFREE
Journal of Technology and Science EducationEngineering, educationQ3  
Biodiversitas journal of Biological DiversityBiologyQ3 3.5-4.5 juta
Asian Journal of Business ResearchSocial ScienceQ3 FREE
Jurnal MetalurgijaEngineerngQ3  
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal SciencesEngineeringQ42 bulan$350
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental SciencesEngineeringQ46 bulan$350
International Journal of Web Information SystemsITQ43 bulanFree
British Journal of Community NursingNursingQ42 bulanFree
Journal Land Degraded and Mining ManagementLandQ425 hari 
international journl of computing and digital systemComputer ScienceQ45 bulanFREE
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & ResearchPharmasiQ31 bulan500-600 USD
Pertanika Journal of Science and TechnologySocial ScienceQ32 Bulan250 USD
Biomass Conversion and BiorefineryEngineeringQ22,5 bulan 
JIDMR  3 bulan10 juta
EUJEREducationQ33.5 bulan600 USD
International Journal of Corrosion and Scale InhibitionEngineeringQ23-4 bulan200 USD
GeomateEngineeringQ34 bulan100 USD per lembar
Automotive ExperiencesEngineeringQ34 bulan3 juta
Development Studies ResearchSocial ScienceQ25 bulan500 USD
IJMERREngineeringQ35-7 bulan$300 – $350
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical SciencesMedicalQ36 bulan400 euro
Journal of Computer Science                 ITQ46 bulan630 USD
Data in BriefAllQ46-7 bulan$610
Jurnal of public health research (pagepress)MedicalQ36-7 bulan600 euro
lecture notes in civil engineeringEngineeringQ4 1.5 juta
Cypriot Journal of Educational
EducationQ3 550 EURO
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development   EnergyQ3  
water conservation & management (WCM)Water   

11 thoughts on “115 Jurnal dengan proses cepat (1-6 Bulan)”

  1. Heliyon bukan hanya untuk social science tapi multidisiplin. Engineering, mathematics, physics juga ada dalam Heliyon.


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